Careersaas is a software as a service platform dedicated to providing our users 24/7 job search.
What separates Careersaas from our respected rivals is the ability to automatically find jobs from all over the Internet as soon as they are posted. LinkedIn is incentivized to sell advertised jobs on their platform, and their customers are very often recruitment firms. These companies are experienced and successful at connecting jobseekers with companies. However, this creates a problem in that the jobs posted on LinkedIn are not always unique. The role a job seeker may apply for is sometimes a recruitment “middle man” instead.
With Careersaas, on the other hand, our database only contains companies that are vetted and verified. We made this product decision early on as we too were frustrated on our own job search when being directed to recruitment companies. Our LinkedIn inboxes are full of emails from recruiters every week.
Careersaas’ scrapers scour the web looking for new jobs as soon as they are posted. This is necessary to ensure that the job post’s content is up to date, but to also check if the job is already filled or no longer available.
Within our search we have now included a new feature “New job posts”.
It doesn’t matter what your search string is, you’ll be able to filter for brand new positions near you.
Selecting this option will filter to display only the jobs posted within the last two weeks and will also present dates on the left hand side of your search next to the job role.
We will be rolling out many new features at Careersaas over the next couple of months, so keep an eye out on our Medium page or Careersaas homepagefor the latest release notes!