Companies hiring today
Careersaas is a one stop shop for everything you need to know about a company before you hit apply.
Careersaas Company Database
Merge your career search with the dream company by screening our extensive company database of businesses across the globe and see what’s available in your line of work. By combining both the internal and external hiring portals, we give you access to every position available. If your dream company isn’t hiring right now, use our instinctive search to find similar businesses that are.
We do the research - so you don't have to!
Our team of research consultants work to keep the Careersaas database constantly updated and fresh — the Careersaas company database is full of data from various sources, organised into one easy to use portal.
- WFH “friendliness ratings”
- Drill down in to all company jobs
- Monitor company job posts over time
- Find recruiter and leadership contacts
- Company financials
- Identify similar companies / competitors
- Locate contact details / addresses
- Staff total numbers
- Salaries
- … and tons of other metadata!