Stay abreast of career opportunities with email job alerts
You’ve got mail! Use our email alerts so that you never miss a job again. Careersaas detects your location, learns from the jobs and careers that you’re interested in, and then alerts by e-mail when we find a job for you.
Want to learn how to activate email alerts in Careersaas? Click here to learn how to use Job Alerts
Grab a coffee and start your morning with a list of all of the jobs that were found over the last 24 hours with our daily report, or utilise our instant alert system to find a job as soon as it is published.
Receive a daily Job report
Every morning you can receive an email with a quick Job Report listing all of the jobs found over the last day that match your preferences or interests. Careersaas indexes over 100,000 jobs per week, so you can be sure that we find the jobs that suit you.
Alert as soon as jobs are found
Instant alerts. Careersaas can send you an email within an hour of finding a new job that matches a Career path for you. Every little bit of leverage counts when it comes to applying for a job, and applying early gives as much as 30% more chance than applicants who submit for the same role later on.
Stop wasting valuable time with expired jobs
There is nothing worse than being left in the dark, particularly when it comes to applying for a job. That’s why Careersaas has created a tool that will alert you by email as soon as a job has been taken by someone else, or removed from the Internet.