Job Search
Whether you’re looking to make your first step on the career ladder, or need to get your career moving in the right direction, or a complete change in your career path, Careersaas job search has you covered. When using our hiring Trends & Analytics you can stay up to date with the constantly evolving job market and see what roles that you should be aiming for to push yourself out of your comfort zone.

Search from millions of live job openings across the world. Instantly find job opportunities near you with our “Near me” filter, and expand your search to include preferred sector and company size, as well as personalised recommendations from our AI.
Locate jobs within your local area
Using your exact location, Careersaas lists the jobs that are closest to you. Our job and company search engine also gives you the ability to filter by proximity so if you prefer, you can find jobs just down the road, or even set your search to any location you desire.
- Choose from 10, 20, 50 or 100km distances
- When jobs near you are found, receive an email alert
Millions of jobs to choose from
Careersaas crawls over 30 ATS sites and the corporate site of hundreds of major companies to locate jobs. Everyday we recommend the newest positions. Users can search from millions of jobs to find the proverbial needle in the haystack.
Search Efficiently by Industry Sector
Use Industry filters to refine search results. An important feature within Careersaas is the ability to find career opportunities that immediately match your preferences and your own profile by being able to select your favourite industries. We have carefully assigned companies in our database to 10 different sectors. Another unique search parameter is the ability to filter by Small, Medium or Enterprise size companies – so whether you’d like to focus on Start Ups or Multinationals, you can update your search results instantly.