Cherry pick different careers by title within every sector imaginable; so whether you want to be an API developer or a Zookeeper, use our career search engine to delve deeper into what a role entails, which are the ideal skillsets required, salary comparisons between countries and how in demand the role currently is, and historically has been. Combined with our informative trend data, featuring live opportunities taken directly from companies and the ability to apply in minutes, the Careersaas Career Search provides you with all the information you need in one easy to use platform.
Careersaas has collected data from over 50,000 unique career paths and monitors total job postings for each, so that you know which jobs are going to be more popular in the future. With the Careersaas suite, you won’t miss a job advert just because the post had a different job title.
Monitoring careers over time
Which careers are trending?
Take a deep dive into your chosen career to see what companies and job titles are trending, what the average salary is in your current location, as well as elsewhere. Understand whether or not you have the skills to match your chosen career and which companies are on a hiring spree, looking for people like you to join.
Identify similar careers
Careersaas helps you explore similar careers whilst you are searching, so you don’t miss out on a role because you haven’t used an exact job title; let us show you alternative careers and the number of roles that each of them currently have available. With Careersaas you can set alerts to keep track of new live roles and with one click immediately search for jobs.
50,000 different career paths
How do you know if you have the complete picture when you search LinkedIn for a job? With Careersaas, users pick a career path and our smart “one to many” Career matching system finds jobs with different titles, ensuring that you’re not missing the proverbial needle in the haystack.
Pick a career that matches your personality and skills
During the signup process, users have the optional preference to choose their Personality type and skill set. As time goes on, we learn more about your interests using this preference data. Careersaas has been built with this granular functionality since day one, so you’ll be shown Careers and Jobs that suit your profile.