Careersaas is all encompassing platform which allows you to search through live jobs, career paths and company information all in one place saving you time. Finding a job is a job in itself. Careersaas helps you to maintain that Work Life balance even during your job search. Get the latest trends and analytics without paying for irrelevant LinkedIn data.
Careersaas is born from people trying to solve the problem so many of us face. How can I find a job that I can be passionate about, that pays the bills and gives me an opportunity to have the right amount of work life balance. What complicates this process? Fake adverts, lousy recruiters, poor visibility of the roles available, timing in go to market to apply for the right job at the right time.
We have removed Recruiters from the process of finding a job meaning that you can truly own your job search, and provide contact details directly to the HR team hiring for the position.
Filter out the noise and time wasting that you get with other job search platforms and apply quickly and easily directly to the businesses. We match this off with Company profiles (as well as a new innovative “Working From Home Ranking” system). We recommend both roles and businesses in the same fields you are interested in, but may not know about. Our AI provides recommended roles both by job title and industry sector — with you in command of your search, notifications and alerts!
Check out our original content focused on preparing you for that new challenge. Hear from others on how they changed career, reignited a stalled career or even getting your career path off the ground!
Remote work might seem like the buzz topic right now, but it’s here to stay. Careersaas has the most remote roles in one place of any Career or Job site on the planet.
Looking for your first step on the career ladder? Don’t worry – we have you covered – with thousands of internships across every sector — whether you’re at university needing a summer internship or placement, or that entry level graduate programme, Careersaas has you covered!
Do you ever find yourself losing track of what roles you’ve applied for? We did, which is why we built our unique application tracker so you can stay on top of every application in one easy to use tool.
Undecided on what career path is best for you or looking to change things up? We have over 30,000 different careers, trending data on what roles are hot right now, an international salary guide and yes — companies that are hiring for those positions right now!